Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I know what you are all thinking. It wasn’t hard to figure out. “Lauren, where have you been?! We’ve been looking for a new post and there has been nothing!” I will admit: I’ve been very bad. I haven’t written since Monday and I’ve left you all hanging. The truth of the matter is I’ve been trying to figure out what to say and I’ve come up with a few things to describe my current situation…

I’m settled. I’ve built a nest. I have become a stationary traveler. These thoughts boil down to one general idea: my life is not very exciting during the week as I am not traveling anymore, but am living in one location. My days are largely the same as I’m sure you’ve all noticed. I get up in the morning, head off to work, work all day, go home, go out for the evening, and then back home to repeat the process on the next day. Not very interesting fodder for a blog. Therefore, in the interest of saving your sanity (and mine – it is very disheartening to realize I have not done anything of interest to an outsider that day), I am cutting back on my during-the-week blog posts. Although, in actuality, it will be the opposite; but let me explain.

Every weekend I have left in SE Asia is to be spent traveling around the region in an attempt to see something of the bordering countries before I return to the US in August. I will be spending a few of the weekends in various parts of Northern Laos, one weekend in Cambodia, and one weekend in Vietnam. My plan is to blog about these small trips, which will be much more interesting than my daily life here in Vientiane. Unfortunately, I will not be able to take my computer to most of these places as there is a serious threat of theft in most. Therefore, I will be taking notes during my travels, then returning to Vientiane and writing it all up for you during the week. Posts will, therefore, be coming during the weekdays, with no new posts on the weekends. If something interesting happens during the week that I feel should be shared, I will write it up for you, but I will no longer bore you with the day-to-day recap of my life.

I hope this is an arrangement that satisfies everyone’s need for further travel adventures. This weekend (starting tomorrow actually), you will have a trip to look forward to as I am heading off to Luang Prabang in Northern Laos! Saem, Zenia and I will be there for three-ish days (we are heading out Friday afternoon and coming back Sunday evening). Therefore, you can look forward to a new post on Monday morning (Sunday night for you)! I miss you all!


  1. Well, its about time. I was finding it hard to read all these adventures that turned out to be the same adventure. In true Bill Bryson fashion, regailing us with new and exciting material will be a far, far better think that you do than you have done befor.

  2. Wait.. but.. what.. I... how.. you... *sob*

  3. I know. I am the light of your lives. Whatever will you do without reading my blog every day?!
