Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Sign

I've seen a sign. Something that has quelled all my fears, assuring me that this trip is the right thing to do and that everything is going to be wonderful. It was a simple sign and I suppose many might have missed it. But then, signs are personal, tuned to the individual who sees it. Therefore, this must have been a sign meant just for me. What was this sign, you ask. Well, to answer that we must go back a little first, back to last night...

Last night was a bit of a mess (although made easier by my amazing family). It was a rush around town picking up the last few items I needed for my trip: waterproof mascara (from Origins), a journal (Borders), sudafed, a glue stick, and other items (from Safeway). After amassing all these items and some money from Wells Fargo, we went home to pack my bag, to make sure everything would fit in the large backpack I bought from REI for this trip (since I will be traveling across Thailand and Laos by bus a backpack as my main bag seemed the best way to go). All I can say is that Mom is a wonderful tag snipper, Maria is a master packer, and Dad is a jack-of-all-trades. We managed to jam everything into my big backpack, my small daypack, and my purse. I was ready to go. But sleep was necessary first. Unfortunately, sleep was an elusive creature last night, and when it came it brought horrible dreams of law finals unfinished and overpacking.

This morning greeted us with a sunny Portland day (as if all of Oregon was trying to say, "Lauren, how can you leave me? I am so beautiful and you're going somewhere where there are monsoons!"). After a few last minute purchases (deodorant was almost forgotten) and a final meal in the US we headed off to the airport. Check-in went smoothly and security was a breeze. As I was walking away from my parents (or rather, they were walking away from me), I felt a horrible pang of sadness at leaving my family and friends and abject terror at the thought of my upcoming trip. As you can see, everything was working against any feelings of excitement and happiness I had for my trip.

But then came...THE SIGN. It was amazing. As I was walking toward my gate (and why are my gates always at the furthest end of the terminal?), I saw it. Powell's. That's right...Powell's Bookstore. Right here in the airport. Now, if that is not a sign about this trip I don't know what is. What better way to send off a little bookworm, bibliophile such as myself than a last look at her favorite bookstore?

I feel better. This trip was clearly meant to be and my sign has reassured me that this is going to be a wonderful trip. So, once again wish me luck. In just an hour and a half I will be on my plane heading to Japan, where I will change planes and fly off to Bangkok. Five hours in the Bangkok airport and then a short hopper flight to Chiang Mai, my final (first) destination. I'm really on my way.


  1. Powell's!! Hehehe! I love it! It is a sign! You are going to have so much fun. This is going to be such an amazing experience. I wish you the best. Take care and be safe. I miss you!

  2. Yaaaaay sissy! I hope you bought books at Powell's to keep that little airport location in business before you go boost the Thailand economy on your own with purchases of Jasmine rice and Pad Thai and Pad Seeu. :)
